Sue Lonergan, co-President
Brenda Tousignant, co-President
Mailing Address
Cheshire Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 431
Cheshire, CT 06410

Every year, hundreds of central Connecticut residents enjoy the Cheshire Symphony Orchestra either as musicians or audience members, but it can only survive with the help of individual and business donations. Please help if you can. CSO is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 06-1211147) and your tax-deductible donation will help pay for rehearsal and performance space, the purchase or rental of new music, the printing of concert programs, etc.
Checks can be made payable to the Cheshire Symphony Orchestra and sent to our mailing address shown on the left.
Business Ads
Businesses who would like to be represented in our concert programs should include a business card or other ad material with the check. Your ad material can either be sent to our mailing address or emailed to Peg Weeks as a digital file (jpg, pdf). When possible, ads will be printed in color. The following ad rates apply:
Your ad will be printed in concert programs for the duration of the current season (four maximum) and your business (with link) will also be listed on our website's Business Donor page for the same period of time.
Quarter page (5½x2"or 2¼x4"): $50
Half page (5½x4"): $100
Full page (5½x8"): $200

Sponsor a Concert
Individuals or businesses wishing to sponsor a concert may do so for a contribution of $1,000. In addition to your ad (any size) being placed in our programs for the duration of the current concert season (four maximum) and being recognized on our website, your name or the name of your business will be prominently and exclusively displayed on all promotional material leading up to the concert (e.g., promotional flyers, press releases, home page of our website) as well as on the cover of our program. Those interested in sponsoring a concert should contact Sue Lonergan.
Thanks for your support!
© 2017-2023 Cheshire Symphony Orchestra